Classroom News

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Happy October!

This will be a busy and exciting month!  Please watch for information about school activities in your child’s red Thursday folder.

Red Ribbon Week is the week of October 21st.  We will learn about making health choices in our classes this week.  Each day has a theme- please check class dojo or the sheet that came home last Friday for a list of activities.

On Friday, October 25th we will have Trunk or Treating in the parking lot from 1:45-2:15.  Children may bring a simple costume to school for this event.   Please no scary costumes, masks, or face painting.  I have plastic bags with handles that I will give to each of my students for them to use to collect candy/treats.

On October 31st students may wear Halloween colors to school.   We will have a classroom celebration and do some Halloween-themed activities.

We are learning letters and letter sounds. We are beginning to put sounds together and read cvc words.  Please read to/with your child at home to help build reading skills.  It really is the most important thing you can do to help your child to become a successful reader.

In math classes we have been counting, looking at patterns, shapes, learning position words (next to, in front of, behind…), and building number sense for the numbers 1-5.

We are working hard to learn the Sign of the Cross and Our Father prayers.   We have begun working in the Atrium with Miss Jenn and Mr. Luke.  Half of the class goes each week and the other half goes the next week (so children work in the Atrium every other week).

On Saturday, November 9th we will be having a “Harvest Celebration” for adults.   Tickets are $20 and may be purchased through the main office.  Donations are being accepted for prizes and to put together baskets that will be raffled off at the event.    Hope to see you there.

I will be posting a sign up for Parent-Teacher Conferences and posting it on Class Dojo soon.  I plan to be available on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving and conferences will be held that day.  I would like to offer after school options too but I am still waiting to find out what my treatment will entail and hope to have that information this week.  Thank you for your patience.















*St. Ambrose Academy will close for weather if either East Irondequoit or the Rochester City School District close.